Frequently asked questions

Directions – Find your way to the clinic

Clinic address:
Amager Røntgen
Amagerbrogade 193
2300 Copenhagen S


  • Bus 5C (direction towards Copenhagen Airport or Sundbyvester Plads) runs from Nørreport and City Hall Square directly to the clinic and stops right in front (Stop: Smyrnavej)
  • Bus 5C runs approximately every 5 minutes around the clock, both on weekdays and weekends
  • The nearest metro stations are Amagerbro and Amager Strand. From both stations, it takes about 15–20 minutes to walk to the clinic.
  • From Amagerbro, you can also take Bus 5C (direction towards Copenhagen Airport or Sundbyvester Plads) directly to the clinic (Stop: Smyrnavej)
  • It is free to park on the streets around the clinic
  • It is usually never a problem to find available parking spaces

Why is a Dexa scan more accurate than an InBody measurement at my fitness center?

A Dexa scan is considered the most accurate and reliable on the market. This is supported by the following sources, among others:

The two most commonly used methods—bioimpedance and Dexa scan—measure muscle mass and body fat percentage in different ways. Bioimpedance devices (InBody machines), which can be found in many fitness centers, work by sending an electrical current through the body. Fat-free mass has a higher water content, which results in less resistance. Therefore, there is less resistance in a body with high muscle mass. Based on the resistance in the body, the ratio between fat-free mass and fat mass is estimated.

A Dexa scanner is designed to send weak X-rays at different energy levels through the client. As the X-rays pass through the client, they are attenuated by the different tissues of the body. The more muscle and bone mass the client has, the less X-rays pass through the client. In a Dexa scan, this is used to estimate body composition.

Can you accurately measure body fat percentage and muscle mass?

With a Dexa scan, the body’s bone tissue, fat tissue, and muscle tissue can be differentiated. This allows the mass of the different tissues, their percentage share of the body, and their locations to be mapped. This makes Dexa scanning a precise method for assessing body composition.
Dexa scan results are more precise than, for example, InBody and skinfold measurements, which is why Dexa scanning is often used as a reference method when testing other body composition measurement techniques.

Dexa scans not only accurately assess the mass and percentage of muscle and fat tissue, but they also map where and how much muscle and fat you have in specific areas of your body. This can provide useful information for training, health, and weight loss purposes.

How much X‑ray radiation do I receive from a Dexa scan?

Dexa scans are recognized as one of the X-ray-based scanning methods with the lowest radiation dose. With a Dexa scan, you can expect radiation doses at about 0.1 μSv, depending on the scanning protocol and scanner type. In comparison, flying from Copenhagen to Athens and back exposes you to 18-54 μSv.

How long does each Dexa scan take?

On average, your Dexa scan takes around 15 minutes. You will be in the scanner for approximately 10 minutes.

How many scans are required to track my progress?

We recommend you work with a dietitian/personal trainer and plan how often you should be scanned to track your progress.

Can you also scan me for osteoporosis?

At Dexa Bodyscan we do not scan for osteoporosis. A Dexa body composition scan provides a whole-body picture of bone mineral density, among other things, while a Dexa osteoporosis scan focuses specifically on the lower back and hip region to diagnose osteoporosis. The two measurements serve different purposes and should not be compared. You can find more information about osteoporosis here.

I am pregnant. Can I get a Dexa scan?

We generally advise pregnant women NOT to get a Dexa scan as it is an X-ray based test. Even though the radiation exposure is extremely low, we still prefer to take precautions to keep you safe.
You should contact your doctor for personal advice if you are pregnant and still want to have a Dexa scan.

I have a pacemaker. Is the scan safe for me?

Yes, a Dexa scan is safe for people with pacemakers.

Can I eat and drink before my Dexa scan?

You can eat or drink before your Dexa scan. Eating or drinking normal amounts will not significantly affect your scan results. The only thing you should not consume before your scan is calcium supplements. Avoid all calcium supplements at least 24 hours before your scan.

What is the maximum weight limit for a Dexa scan?

Our Dexa scanner can scan people with a body weight of up to 150 kg.

What is the maximum height for a Dexa scan?

Our Dexa scanner can scan people with a height of up to 210 cm.

Why is an eligibility needed for a Dexa scan?

It is a requirement in radiation protection legislation that a Dexa scan must be justified. Justification can be, for example, that the client is undergoing a dietary change for the purpose of weight loss or optimizing body composition in relation to sports performance—such as in elite sports or participation in a sports event that requires good physical fitness. Another example might be a recent serious illness, chemotherapy, prolonged bed rest, a traffic accident, or similar, that may have affected the body’s composition. A detailed justification for the scan must be provided at the time of booking. If there is no justification for the scan, the scan cannot be performed.